Thursday, September 22, 2011

Space Bat: Never Forget

So, in coming across the article about the greatest rabbit hero of this age, I was reminded of another animal whose courage slipped the surly bonds of Earth and touched the face of God.

That Space Bat.

This is EXACTLY what he looked like.

Space Bat latched himself onto the Space Shuttle Discovery's external fuel tank on March 15th, 2009 during liftoff. As far as anyone can tell, he rode that baby until he died in the upper atmosphere. Personally, I can't imagine a more glorious way to die than to die strapped to thousands of pounds of explosives while telling Earth's gravity to go fuck itself.

Needless to say, this pioneer for all animal-kind captured the hearts of millions. So many millions that, to my complete surprise, he has a website devoted to him:

It'll never be awesome enough.

Go. Go and receive the good news of our glorious flying friend. Tell everyone you can, buy all the t-shirts you can, and let no one forget the day...that Space Bat made us believe a bat can fly....

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